Saturday, 23 February 2013

Blogruary Day 23: The Netball Match

In an exciting twist, I went to see a netball match today.

As part of the Sports Journalism module that I am taking, we had to travel all the way to Surrey to watch a sport that no-one was particularly familiar with and practice our writing ahead of our exam in two months.

I wasn't particularly thrilled at the prospect of this and the cold weather only added to my excitement, or lack of.

As the course is also being taken by under-graduates, it would offer an opportunity to get to know them slightly better and a few of them were waiting at the train station by the time that I had brought my ticket.

After arriving in Guildford, we endured a 45 minute trek trying to find the Surrey Sports Park though after twice going the wrong way we eventually found our destination.

Upon arrival we were given instructions to find out the names of the players, the line ups, the management and numerous other details to assist our writing.

The netball itself was fairly uninspiring as far as Saturday evening entertainment goes and I managed to produce some copy.

We left the venue and quickly discovered that the temperature had dropped even further down.

I just prayed that we didn't get lost again and, thankfully, we managed to find the train station in decent time to complete the journey home.

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