During the first week of classes, I was keen to make sure I was never late. However, I was turning up too early. I was always the first one to class and this made me fairly sad as I could have had an extra twenty minutes in bed.
I decided to do my calculations and I worked out that I could leave at half past the hour and grab a tea in the cafe before learning would commence.
However on Thursday, the laissez-faire bug hit me and I was late to leave my house. In a panicked mode, I forgot to gel my hair and I'm fairly sure I was wearing only clothes that were blue.
I sprung out the house, not literally, and I marched onwards to campus. I reached my super secret alleyway cut-through, yet there was a girl in front of me who would no doubt slow my rapid progress. You see when it comes to walking, I only have one speed setting. Fast.
Wondering how I would overtake her in a fashion that would make me look not creepy, I noticed something that was becoming all to familiar. She was wearing the same shoes as me.
The reason why I say it was familiar is because I discovered only a week before that my older sister had the same trainers as me.
I realise you may now be thinking that I have a fetish for women's trainers, but I assure you that I don't. They are regular, run-of-the-mill white hi-top converse.
"If I overtake her then she will see that we are wearing the same shoes." I worriedly thought.
I assessed all the options available. Overtake her quickly. Stay behind all the way to campus. Take my shoes off and walk in my socks. Going home and changing, perhaps?
I checked my watch and noticed that I would probably make my class, just, at the pace that I was walking.
"What did you do, Alex?" is the question that I assume you are now thinking.
Well, I stayed well behind the girl all the way to campus by walking as slowly as my long legs would go.
You'll be glad to know that I made it to class just in time with my reputation still in tact.
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