Saturday, 19 May 2012

The Apology

I feel an apology is in order.

It struck me today that I have been neglecting this blog and you, the reader. I have been depriving you of every interesting tale that I have experienced and want to tell you about. For that I can only say sorry.

However, I would offer a reason for my action, or lack of.

You see after finishing my dissertation, I had to immediately crack on with the task of revising for exams and then actually sitting the very exams that I'd just been revising for. It isn't a fun process and it has certainly increased my stress levels whilst it has also managed to act as a downer on the final month of university.

This leads me to a realisation that has rapidly dawned on me thanks to the fast-paced course that time seems to be steering at the minute. I am actually quite sad at my time at Reading University coming to an end. Over the course of the last week I have had to say goodbye to two of my house-mates, whilst this time next week I will be home. This time I will be home for good.

Before I left for university, I believed that I would make thousands of friends yet the realisation that university isn't like this induced the belief in me that university is actually important for making a select few friends who you will stay in contact with forever. Friends who in the future you will share many a drink with down the pub, go to visit and swap stories about recent events in your lives, friends who will attend your wedding and your children's christening. Friends who will help shape the future you.

That is what I have come to believe yet the dawning thought that I will not be able to spend pretty much every day with them from next week onwards is upsetting. However, that is all a part of growing up and that facing it is a key step towards adulthood.

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